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穿戴设备 生活娱乐 游戏影音 白色家电 广电设备


2017-11-24 12:58 PM| 发布者: 河源房源信息| 查看: 2192| 评论: 0

摘要: Holtek公司的HT83F02是8位微控制器(MCU),内建闪存步伐ROM,高速SPI与I²C接口,单音12位电压型DAC,PWM直接推动8/16欧姆喇叭,以少少的外部零件,极佳的抗噪声能力与工业规格温度范围(-40℃~+85℃),让产物导入语音 ...

Holtek公司的HT83F02是8位微控制器(MCU), 内建闪存步伐ROM,高速SPI与I²C接口,单音12位电压型DAC,PWM直接推动8/16欧姆喇叭,以少少的外部零件,极佳的抗噪声能力与工业规格温度范围 (-40℃~+85℃),让产物导入语音功能变得更可靠,更简朴。主要应用在家庭防护、防盗器材、康健医疗、语音家电等.本京电港论坛文章先容了HT83F02主要特点,方框架图以及典范应用电路.

The Flash type voice of MCU has Flash type Program Memory and Connect External flash through SPI Serial Interface. Offering users the convenience of Flash Memory multi-programming features, this device also includes a wide range of functions and features which include a voice synthesizer and tone generator. This device is designed for applications which require multiple I/Os and sound effects, such as voice and melody. It can provide various sampling rates and beats, tone levels, tempos for speech synthesizer and melody generator. It also includes two integrated high quality, voltage type DAC outputs and voltage type PWM outputs.

This device is excellent solutions for versatile voice and sound effect product applications with their efficient MCU instructions providing the user with programming capability for powerful custom applications. The system frequency can be up to 12MHz at an operating voltage of 5V and include a power-down function to reduce power consumption. A full choice of HXT, ERC and HIRC oscillator functions are provided including a fully integrated system oscillator which requires no external components for its implementation.

The MCU flash voice memory capacity determine by user, into which the user can download their voice data.


_ Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.5V

_ System clock: 4MHz~12MHz

_ Three oscillators:

External Crystal - HXT

External RC - ERC

Internal RC - HIRC

_ Fully integrated internal 4MHz, 8MHz and 12MHz oscillator requires no external components

_ Up to 19 I/O pins

_ Two sets of Serial Interfaces Module - SIM for SPI or I2C, shared with PB

_ 2K_16 Flash Program Memory

_ 208_8 Data Memory

_ Two 8-bit programmable timer counter with 8-stage prescaler and one time base counter

_ 12-bit high quality voltage type D/A output

_ PWM circuit direct drive speaker

_ Watchdog Timer function

_ 8-level subroutine nesting

_ 2.7V Low voltage detection, tolerance 5%

_ 2.4V Low voltage reset, tolerance 5%

_ Power-down function and wake-up feature reduce power consumption

_ 63 powerful instructions

_ 28-pin SSOP package


图2{京电港论坛}.HT83F02 PA输入/输出端口框架图

图3{京电港论坛}.HT83F02 PB输入/输出端口框架图

图4{京电港论坛}.HT83F02 SPI接口框架图

图5{京电港论坛}.HT83F02 应用电路原理图纸







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